9 Effective Ways To Convert Blog Readers Into Customers

Ecommerce, Seo, Blog, Marketing, Earn


Are you ready to convert more visitors into customers?

You are already aware that it is very simple to start a new blog, and that this is an excellent method of getting more people to visit your site.

However, gaining an audience that will read your content, trust your brand, and contribute to your conversion rate is difficult – so difficult that Derek Halpern of Social Triggers says that “only 1% of bloggers are successful.”

This article outlines the steps to create the right content for the right people, stimulating purchases:

1. Create specific landing pages

Do not direct new visitors to your blog’s home page. Instead, create targeted landing pages and optimize them for conversions. Too many elements on a home page can be confusing and off-putting to new readers.

If you want to improve your conversion rate immediately, you need to remove any distractions from your website. This will help new visitors focus on your brand and message.

It is possible to only have one landing page for your website, but it is recommended to have more than one landing page if you want to improve your conversion rate.

This means that by increasing the number of landing pages from 10 to 15, companies could see a 55% increase in leads and conversion rates.

Every click from your digital marketing efforts needs to lead somewhere – don’t let clicks go to waste by having them land on your homepage.

A landing page can improve your digital marketing strategy by helping you stay focused and reach more high-quality prospects. This, in turn, can increase your average conversion rate.

For example, if your homepage is focused on writing pitches to magazine editors, every guest article you write must be related to that topic. This means writing articles about topics like writing for magazines, winning over editors, writing a winning pitch, and pitching editors.

Therefore, you should link to your specific landing page instead of your general blog home page in order to increase conversions.

Making changes to your website in this way will result in more people who visit your site subscribing to your email list. You can then nurture these relationships to grow your business.

If you want to create landing pages that will convert well, there are a few different tools that you can use that involve drag-and-drop.

2. Customize your new blog for a specific audience

In order to create an effective digital marketing campaign, you must first identify your target audience. Once you know who your website visitors are, you can tailor your marketing strategy to their specific needs and increase your chances of conversion.

Although it may be a nice idea to try and help everybody, it is not possible. It is smarter to select a specific target audience to blog for.

Shopify’s blog is for those who want to create a successful online store. If you want to learn ecommerce tips and tricks, or read case studies, this blog is for you.

Instead of writing about all things tech, it would be more beneficial to write about a specific topic within the tech industry. This way you can offer your site visitors something different and more targeted. With a more targeted approach, you can dramatically improve your average conversion rate, get noticed by the search engines, and even make a splash on social media.

The tech sector is always innovating and bringing us new, exciting products. But with so much focus on the latest and greatest, it’s easy to forget about the tech that’s right in front of us. There’s a lot of amazing tech right in front of us that we take for granted. Mobile phones are more powerful than ever, cars are packed with tech to make our lives easier, and wearable tech is becoming more and more popular. But with all the focus on the latest and greatest tech, it’s easy to forget about the tech that’s right in front of us.

3. Offer something of value for free

Both Bob Burg and Gary Vaynerchuk believe that the best way to make a lot of money is to give.

It may seem strange to give something away for free, but I promise it will be worth it.

The data suggests that people value a “free” gift more than one that costs money, even if the free gift is less valuable.

People like free things because they can get them without having to spend any money. This is the quickest way to get social media shares and increase your average conversion rate. If you want your new blog to get a lot of social media shares, free inbound links, and comments, then you need to create something that your competitors sell and give it away for free.

If you give something away for free, your target audience will trust you more.

Is giving away free valuable content a good idea for every type of business?

Giving away free content can help launch a product, as Gregg Pollack of Envy Labs learned. Pollack invested $20,000 and got back $40,000 from his product launch – a 200% return on investment.

Stop trying to sell a product with your new blog. As successful bloggers, Derek Halpern, Marie Forleo, Pat Flynn, Jeff Goins, and others usually say:

You should build your audience first, and then launch your product to them.

If you’re looking to make quick money, blogging is not the best option. It takes time to build up a following and monetize a blog. For quick cash, look for a traditional job or become a freelancer.

If you’re confused about getting started, the post below will guide you:

4. Use social proof at important sections of your site

If your blog has social proof, it will be trusted by others.

Other people’s trust in you and your brand is called social proof. More people will respond to your offer because they saw others doing the same. This is why social media is good for improving average conversion rates.

We all want to be accepted and feel like we belong. Therefore, people are more likely to share something they saw others sharing, rather than something they read and found on their own.

Testimonials and logos from past clients can be a form of social proof.

If you want customers to visit your site, you need to include social proof on your blog. This is because customers are increasingly informed and social proof will influence their decision.

This study found that the majority of American consumers are more likely to buy products from a website if that site has product ratings and reviews.

Here are simple ways to get more social proof to help your conversion optimization:

a) If you can get an expert to comment on your blog, that can be social proof that you can display for your readers.

For example, if Seth Godin says something about your blog, that would be useful to show your readers.

b) Contribute articles at authority blogs: If you want to showcase Moz’s logo as your social proof, all you’ve got to do is:

  • Study the popular posts
  • Find a unique angle
  • Pitch a new topic (use data or case study)
  • Write your guest post and submit it to the editor
  • Wait for publication.

5. Integrate your blog into your sales funnel

Most brands agree that blogs can help them create new leads, so businesses should consider incorporating blogs in their sales pitching process.

The sales funnel is generally thought of as narrowing as you progress from potential customers to those who are closer to making a purchasing decision.

Awareness of your brand and the problem it addresses sits at the top of the funnel. Fewer people are interested in your brand and considering purchase as they move to the middle of the funnel. Even fewer people make a purchase at the final step, the bottom of the funnel.

According to statistics from HubSpot, a large majority of businesses report that their blog is important or critical for generating leads. This suggests that bloggers play a major role in moving leads through the sales funnel quickly.

The role of content marketing is to generate interest in your brand by addressing the problems and needs of your target audience. Blog posts best fit the awareness step of the sales funnel by providing information about your brand and solutions to problems that your target audience might not even be aware of.

6. Attract visitors who are likely to convert

To attract costumers most likely to convert, you should:

Visualize your ideal customer

It’s important to understand the purpose of your product, and to define the product’s target market. Some products are made for a small niche group. To identify your ideal customer, you should create a buyer persona that answers the following questions:

  • Where are my customers located?
  • What are my customers’ professions, hobbies, and interests?
  • What are my customers’ pain points? What problems do they face every day?

Comprehending who your target clientele are, what they desire, and how you can impact their actions will provide you with an understanding of your customers.

Use analytical tools

Buyer personas provide a starting point for brainstorming a topic. Now you can target your content based on the information you’ve already gathered about your prospective customers using the following tools:

  • Google Analytics is used to identify the most popular posts – the ones that have the highest number of views and the highest engagement rate.
  • BuzzSumo analyzes your content or the content of your competitors to find the most popular posts in your niche.
  • Google’s “People Also Ask” Box helps find related topics and questions.
  • Google’s Keyword Planner and SEOchat’s Related Keywords can find out what other queries are related to your keyword core. Most of your readers find your blog through Google and search queries. By using the same keywords that your readers use, you increase your visibility for the right audience.

If you’re looking to improve your blog’s conversion rate, paying attention to your blog’s style, grammar, and brand voice is key.

Show the value of your product

To market your product effectively, you need to understand the challenges your readers encounter in their everyday lives and what they want to change. By addressing the issues that plague your readers (even if they are not fully aware of them) and offering your product as a solution, it will become desirable.

The customer awareness scale can help you determine how receptive customers will be to your product showcase. Customers who are “product aware” are more likely to be open to seeing your product and how it can solve their problems.

7. Guide readers through the sales funnel

Blog content can be used to attract leads who may not be ready to purchase yet, but can be guided through the funnel to become customers.

Top-funnel content must:

  • Spark interest in new readers
  • Educate or entertain your audience
  • Encourage readers to visit again
  • Request that readers share contact information

If you were able to get contact information from readers, you could continue guiding them through the sales funnel with more in-depth, personalized, and targeted content. For example, you could provide how-to guides, follow-up letters, white papers, and case studies.

8. Pair blog posts with lead magnets

A lead magnet is a freebie or discount that you offer to website visitors in exchange for their email address. The goal is to grow your email list so you can then market your products or services to them.

To use this tool for your blog, you need to choose the lead magnet that will work best.

To identify lead magnets you can use, you should:

  • Use the same lead magnets that your competitors do
  • Ask for readers’ opinions
  • Analyze your most popular content

You might want to try giving away e-books, guides, webinars, courses, or other products and services as your lead magnets. You can then measure the return on investment to see how effective your content is.

Use a Call-To-Action

It’s not surprising that you’ll find calls-to-action on almost every blog, as they’re effective at converting readers into customers.

A call-to-action button can be blended into the website’s design and theme, standing out without disrupting the users’ journey on the website.

Other CTA copy examples include:

Sparking interest with unique content or incentives:

  • Learn more from our e-book
  • Get a free webinar
  • Request a guide/infographic
  • Try a free demo
  • Get a discount code

Encouraging purchase:

  • Add to cart
  • Request a quote
  • Click to shop
  • See related products
  • Order now

9. Drive conversions with exceptional blog content

Blog posts are a great way to get your audience’s attention with targeted content. You should understand your buyer persona, what their problems are, and work with their pain points.


You don’t have to be small just because you started something new. You can increase your website traffic and conversions.

Take responsibility. Focus on these two important content marketing strategies:

  • Create long-form, useful, and interesting content consistently (hint)
  • Promote the heck out of the content (hint)



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