41 Creative Ways To Grow Your Email List

Mail, List, Reply, Email, Sign, Icon


Email is still a powerful and valuable asset for any online business. Any blog or business that is trying to market or move products online should collect email addresses and nurture their email list.

The first step towards building an email list is to have a sign-up form on your website for people to submit their email address and subscribe to regular updates, new blog posts, and other content.

Lead magnet

A lead magnet is an incentive that you offer for free in exchange for an email address. It can be content or information, or even something like access to you and your knowledge.

This means that the lead magnet should be something that is desirable and helpful to your target consumers. It should be something that they would be willing to trade their email address to get.

Other names for lead magnets include sign-up offers, content upgrades, freebies, etc. All of these serve the purpose of getting more email addresses. They also give you a chance to show your expertise to your target group and earn their trust by giving them something valuable.

Why you need to grow your email list

The larger your email list, the more opportunities you have to sell products, book services, and earn affiliate commissions and advertising revenue. Your email list is one of the most valuable assets your business has because the people on it have already expressed an interest in hearing from you and are more likely to make a purchase.

Get more traffic for your email list

1. Start blogging

You should start blogging if you don’t already! It will create content that will help your site rank higher in search engine results, no matter what industry you’re in.

2. Host webinars

You can host a webinar using tools like YouTube Live or Zoom. Converting live events have a high perceived value.

Webinars are a great method to gain email subscribers. By offering a free sign-up to a webinar on your site, you have the chance to attract visitors and also build relationships with other people in your niche by co-hosting a webinar. This will give you access to their customers as well.

Webinars can be a tricky type of lead magnet for two reasons: 1. They require a significant investment of time from your website visitors – usually an hour or more. 2. Many people expect to only get around 40 minutes of value from a one-hour webinar, with the remaining 20 minutes being sales talk.

You might end up doing your webinar by yourself if you only have a small amount of traffic to your website and a short email list. If this happens it’s not going to be enjoyable because there will be no active discussion or feedback from participants. They might even quit the webinar before you’re done.

Webinars are not effective as lead magnets, but they can be useful at the end of a sales funnel.

3. Host a giveaway

Participants must sign up for the giveaway using their email address and will receive additional entries when they share the giveaway on social media.

4. Have a Quiz or Survey

Use tools like Interact or Qzzr to create a quiz that requires users to enter their email address before they can download their results.

5. Offer Tools or Software

If you want to increase the number of people who sign up for your free tool or software, offer it for free and require an email address to sign up. This way, you can capture more leads and grow your list of potential customers.

6. Use Facebook Ads

You can use Facebook ads to drive traffic to your optimization landing page. If you want to increase your conversion rates, you should optimize your Facebook ads.

7. Pin your optimization landing page on Pinterest.

Then you can use Pinterest ads to drive even more traffic to your pins.

8. Promote content on Pinterest

To create Pinterest boards that will attract attention, start by picking a topic and filling the board with beautiful visuals that are relevant to that topic. Make sure to include links back to your website so people can easily find more of your content.

9. Provide Answers On Quora

Answer Quora questions related to the topic of your lead magnet, then include a link to your optimization landing page. By answering questions related to your lead magnet, you will be able to provide additional context and value for potential leads, and including a link to your landing page will give them a way to access your lead magnet.

10. Answer Questions In Forums

To generate leads from forums, search for questions related to the topic of your lead magnet and answer the question with a link to your optimization landing page. If you can provide a helpful answer and include a link to your landing page, you’ll be able to generate leads from forums.

11. Answer questions in Facebook groups

You shouldn’t share the link to your email optimization unless the group admin says it’s okay. You can ask people to message you privately if they want the link.

12. Ask for feedback

You can create an online survey to find out what your visitors want to know about your business and products, and even ask for feedback about the type of content they want.

13. Post on LinkedIn

To become known as an expert, join LinkedIn groups and post a link to your optimization landing page when the time is right.

14. Write Guest Posts

If you want to reach your target market, writing guest posts for popular blogs is a great way to do it. Include a CTA in your author byline, with a link to your optimization landing page. Just be careful to avoid making any of these 6 mistakes.

15. Include a call to action on your About page with a form that can be filled out to optimize results.

16. Become A Partner With An Influencer

Partner with an influencer, or do a cross-promotion in order to grow your email list quickly. In an influencer marketing partnership, one person promotes the other person’s offer to their email list, and then in return, the first person promotes the second person’s offer to their email list. This helps both parties grow their email lists quickly.

17. Use Paid Search Ads

By using paid search ads, you can drive traffic that is more likely to be interested in what you have to offer to your optimization landing page. Be sure that the lead magnet you offer on that page provides a solution to the problem that they were searching for.

18. Use QR Codes

Add a QR code to your printed materials and link them to your optimization landing page. This will allow customers to quickly and easily access your landing page.

19. Native Advertising

Use native advertising to generate leads from websites and apps that share a similar target audience.

20. Use Online Communities

Promote your optimization form on online communities in order to grow an audience of people interested in your topic. Some users are leaving social media platforms in favor of private community platforms like Mighty Networks, Circle, and MemberPress.

21. Find Blog Posts To Comment On

Comment on blog posts, and when you fill out the “website” field, use the URL to your optimization landing page. This will help you get more traffic to your landing page.

22. Host A Challenge

Host a free challenge that lasts for a specific number of days, and make participants register by entering their email address.

23. Create a Landing Page with Valuable Content

Create a landing page with a lot of free content related to your lead magnet. This will help you rank in search engines for relevant keywords. Include a prominent optimization box for your lead magnet on the landing page.

24. Host a Podcast

Make sure to add a call to action at the end of your podcasts, telling listeners how they can sign up for your lead magnet. This will help convert more listeners into leads and customers.

25. Share Email Archives

By sharing your email archives on social media, you are showing people what they could get by being on your list. This is a great way to increase your list subscribers.

26. Get Subscribers To Share Your Newsletter

If you want your subscribers to share your marketing emails with their friends, include a “Forward to a Friend” button at the bottom of your newsletters.

27. Use Your Instagram Bio Link

Include a call-to-action in your Instagram bio that links to a landing page where people can learn more about your business.

28. Use Your Email Signature

Your email signature is a powerful marketing tool. Use it to promote your optimization landing page by adding a call to action.

29. Be Interviewed

You can use text to ask people to join your email list. This is useful if you are doing a podcast or television interview.

30. Use A Comment Check Box

A checkbox next to the submit comment button that allows users to sign up for a newsletter should be added.

31. Host Events

Encourage people who register for your event to also sign up for your email list, so they can be automatically added

32. Offer Referral Rewards

Give your employees or subscribers a reward for referring their friends to join.

33. Exclusive tips and content, or access to a resource library

If you want to add the promise of exclusive content to your subscription forms, you should be clear about what you are going to send to new subscribers.

If you already have a name or brand that people trust, you can offer access to a complete resource library as a lead magnet.

34. Data and case studies

Case studies are a great form of content because they are unique to the person or company who has the data to tell the story.

When writing a case study or customer story, you can include your customers and their experiences in relation to your product or service. This will give potential customers an idea of how your product or service has helped others solve their problem, which could be useful to them.

35. Checklists

Summarize steps to take as shown in the following example.

1. Don’t forget to set a goal. 2. Don’t forget to create a plan. 3. Don’t forget to take action. 4. Don’t forget to track your progress. 5. Don’t forget to celebrate your success.

This is a great opportunity to show off your expertise. A checklist can help your audience navigate an unfamiliar process and make sure they don’t miss any important steps.

36. Cheat sheets

Your subscribers get a step-by-step process to reach their goal (fast!) instead of researching and sorting through information for themselves.

37. eBooks

Don’t let the term “eBook” scare you. It can refer to anything from a couple pages to a whole book. The main difference between a cheat sheet and an eBook is that eBooks generally have better design and more content.

An eBook is a great choice for a lead magnet because it is flexible and can be consumed everywhere. Plus, people like getting books for free!

Your information should be able to fix the problem it promises to in a timely and efficient manner. It should be easy to understand and use.

38. Free courses

Courses can come in many forms, such as video courses, podcasts, or email courses. A course can be one unit or delivered in separate units over the course of a few days. The goal of a course is to teach people something they don’t already know and transform them from a beginner into an expert on a problem they wish to solve.

If you want to create a course quickly and efficiently, a good way to do it is to repurpose old content that you already have. For example, you could take a couple of blog posts on one topic and turn them into a series of emails. Or you could split up a webinar that you held into separate lessons, or send the chapters of an eBook as an email course.

39. Assessments

A great lead magnet can also offer something personal and interactive, such as an analysis of some interesting aspects of your business or the life of your website visitors. To make your earned leads even more targeted, you can offer an assessment that has something to do with your product.

40. Templates and swipe files

Many people copy from others because it makes them feel like they are getting things done correctly. It can be quite helpful to have a template or a “swipe file” (a collection of pre-made materials) to use as a starting point, especially when attempting something new. These can be useful for people just starting to learn about a certain topic, and can be used as a “lead magnet” to attract potential customers.

41. Sample chapters

Sample chapters are a great lead magnet if you also have an eBook or course you are selling. You can offer one sample chapter for free – make sure it’s one of the best chapters you have, and this lead magnet will fulfil two purposes at the same time:

  • you’ll get email addresses
  • you’ll make subscribers want more

Mainly, you offer something for free that people would normally have to pay for. People tend to think that if your content is good enough to charge people for, then they should take advantage of getting it for free!

Keep subscribers on your Email list with quality email content

Once people join your email list, it’s important to try to keep them there, or else you’ll spend a lot of time and energy growing your email list only for people to leave as soon as they join. Creating content of high quality is key to keeping people on your email list.

The possibilities for lead magnets are endless! You can come up with all sorts of free offers that will make people sign up for your email list. Let your imagination run wild!

If you’re going to use lead magnets, be aware of what your goals are: to get a list of subscribers who are interested in what you have to say. It won’t do you any good to offer something flashy and attention-grabbing if it’s not going to attract the people you want to reach.



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